Command Line Arguments#

Use mo.cli_args to access command-line arguments passed to the notebook. This allows you to pass arguments to the notebook that are not controllable by the user. The arguments will be parsed from the command line when running the notebook as an application with marimo run or marimo edit. These arguments are passed after the notebook name and are separated from the notebook arguments by a double dash --.

Some examples passing command-line arguments to the notebook:

marimo run -- --arg1 value1 --arg2 value2
# {'arg1': 'value1', 'arg2': 'value2'}

marimo run -- --arg1=10 --arg2=true --arg3
# {'arg1': 10, 'arg2': True, 'arg3': ''}

marimo run -- --arg1 10.5 --arg2 hello --arg2 world
# {'arg1': 10.5, 'arg2': ['hello', 'world']}
marimo.cli_args() CLIArgs#

Get the command line arguments of a marimo notebook.


marimo edit -- -size 10

# Access the command line arguments
size = mo.cli_args().get("size") or 100

for i in range(size):


- A dictionary containing the command line arguments.
  This dictionary is read-only and cannot be mutated.

Query Parameters

You can also access query parameters passed to the notebook using mo.query_params. This allows you to pass arguments to the notebook that can be controlled by the user.